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Areas of intervention


The Stichting seeks to encourage and finance, as a priority, projects that enable students to become better acquainted with the Netherlands and to become more integrated into the international environment.


Projects that allow students to learn about higher education and careers and that put them in contact with French companies in the Netherlands are also considered a priority.



Finally, equipment and real estate projects may be considered if the school is not in a position to fund them.



This is a long-term policy that is established in consultation with the board of the Lycée Français des Pays-Bas in The Hague and Amsterdam.

Projects supported



-1.845 euros pour the project "Dictionnaire en CM2"

No projects were funded between 1 January and 31 December 2019, partly because the Lycée Français did not propose any new projects to be funded and partly because the Stichting's income, mainly the interest earned on the deposit bank accounts, dropped significantly and did not allow for the funding of projects at the expense of the Stichting's capital.

The Stichting did not fund any projects between 1 January and 31 December 2020 for the same financial reason and because the COVID-19 health crisis resulted in the cessation of activities within the school that could have been the subject of projects to be funded by the Stichting.


-5.000 euros for the project "Egalité Filles Garçons"

-5.000 euros for MFINUE

-8.302 euros for the project "Veillée des Contes"


-5.000 euros for the project "Caisse de solidarité du Lycée"

-5.000 euros for the project MFINUE

-5.230 euros for buying equipment "percussions corporelles"


-5.000 euros for the project "Caisse de solidarité du Lycée"

-5.000 euros for the funding of micro-projects in the Lycée

-5.000 euros for the project MFINUE

-3.553 euros pour buying music equipment


-6.000 euros for the project "Caisse de solidarité du Lycée"

-5.000 euros for the funding of micro-projects in the Lycée

-5.000 euros for the project MFINUE

-5.800 euros for the project Web-Radio in the Lycée

- acquisition of a small parcel Kerklaan 117 and renting it to the Lycée in preview of the Lycée's extension


- 4.000 euros for the project "Caisse de solidarité du Lycée"

- 7.500 euros for the project  auteurs-illustrateurs

- 5,000 euros for the project MFINUE

- Study for a possible extension of the Lycée


- 6.000 euros for the project "Caisse de solidarité du Lycée"

- 7.500 Euros for buying books for the new library in the school of Amsterdam

- 1.000 euros for the project MFINUE 

- 5.000 euros for funding de micro-projects in Holland


- 5.000 euros for the project "Caisse de solidarité du Lycée"

- 7.150 euros for bike stands in front of the Lycée on the Scheveningseweg.

- 2.500 euros for the project MFINUE


- 30.000 Euros for impriving the playground in The Hague

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